Monday, July 02, 2007

Finding a purpose

What is the purpose of our life? Do we ever think of the reason for our existence? I am not sure but I seem to think more often than we should. Do we serve any purpose for being here? Or are we better without than being somebody? Are we here just to populate the earth with our species or are we here to just continue and pass down our genes. Without purpose there is no meaning to life. Even a robotic machine seem to have a purpose. And like them, without purpose existence is meaningless.

Perhaps that is why we seek purpose in every little thing we do. And the higher questions still evades us. We would like to question on and on until we are satisfied. I wish if there is somebody who knew all the answer to just appear before us and tell me what the hell i should do. Since there is no one, I believe we don't have any higher purpose at all. To think we are somebody is utterly nonsense. What if we are just a speck of dust in this ever expanding universe. What if after death there is no continuation of life? What if passing down the genes to our posterity is just a way of preserving and maintaining the immortality of human forms. It could be any of those things or none at all. May be it doesn't matter at all.

But as we continue to live we can't just move around like zombies, we try to find satisfaction with everything we do and if we can find that we become happy if not we get frustrated. We try to find meaning to our existence and we are mostly inclined to believe that are more acceptable to our senses and we live a life where we put the safest bet on. Questions raises more doubts but it is only with our ability to question things that we reach nearer to the answers more acceptable to us.

We can never find the truest purpose, but we can atleast find a purpose that is best suited for us and live a life without regrets.

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